Is it possible in this day and age to grow an ethical, US manufacturing tech company from the ground up that is not consumed by the profit motive?
We are enthusiastic adherents to right to repair and its priciples. If we're not to consume the entire planet with our profligate ways, we're going to have to build things to last longer and be repairable.
Circular economy products are products that don't end up in a land fill at end of life, rather they are recycled or reduced to inputs for other products. And no, down-cycling plastic once or twice does not satisfy the criteria so we stay away from plastic when and wherever possibler (besides, plastic is nasty stuff). We like metal because it is infinitely recyclable. We like natural packaging that decomposes naturally. We also like open-source.

Our Ponderosa pine packaging is 100% biodegradable. It also makes a pleasantly smelling fire starter when camping.
We like choice. We design so that you have options when it comes time to find replacements or when upgrades are necessary.
We recognize we're not the only species on the planet so we support non-human rights and conservation but we really love Species Royalty - you can read about it here.