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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Soulr Releases Climate Crisis Ready, Shape-Shifting Solar Energy Robot Tree


Palmer Lake, Colorado Feb 25, 2021.   11 AM MTN Soulr LLC has released the ruggedized, shape-shifting solar energy system that is aesthetically configurable, autonomous and environmentally aware making it the first solar energy robotic system designed specifically for survivability and the challenges posed by the climate crisis.


By raising and lowering its mast and multiple branches containing solar panels, the autonomous energy generating robot tree is reminiscent of “Optimus Prime of Transformers fame” said creator and founder  Keith Allen.  The robot tree or just “tree” is able to close like an umbrella and hunker down when dangerous weather is imminent and reopen again when the danger has passed.


The trees come in sizes ranging from 2kW to +8kW with larger units in development. Configurable facades attach to the “trunk” of the tree to customize aesthetics, blend with existing architecture or environment or to send a message or advertisement.   Equipment agnosticism, circular economy design and right to repair principles were major influences during development.


Manufactured “ready to install” with a compact form factor allows for shipping via standard methods like tractor trailer and also reduces on-site labor significantly reducing soft costs.    The small footprint permits secondary use of the area under the tree and it’s easy to use interface is “somewhere between a garage door opener and a smart phone”.


Learn more at


Soulr LLC


Soulr is self funded.  The robot tree has been in development for over 10 years.  Soulr was created to bring the robotic tree idea into the world to help speed the transition to a sustainable and prosperous human civilization.  Other products to help save the planet are in the development pipeline with a near future release date.


Contact Keith Allen @


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